cr LLYsR @ yt
when i arrived at home... as usual i will turn on my computer & surf cari.. i saw airah post this video at suju thread... & BAM!!! like being shoot !! i saw... KRYS perform what if in Super Junior Japan Premium...
OMG!!! i cried when i saw this in HQ!!!
since i watched the performance in Seoul Super Show... i've been waiting for this performance in HQ..
but i manage to watched it only in fancam... but it better than nothing...^__^
when i saw this performance in HQ... what can i say.. my wish is fulfilled... huhuhuhuh
i already saved this video in my hp hahahhaha... can watched it anywhere & anytime... weeeee...
Super junior Jjang... KRY JJang... Sungmin saranghanda <3...
kalo dah full link HQ vids kat jepung nih me nak mintak tolong burn bleh..?? beli dr mung ala2 tokey stock suju hehehe....
ada ker link HQ... me tak jumpa pun
arasso... dah jumpa tgh gigih menDL nih
kalo mu blom burn, jgn lg yek...
me nak try donlot bile line ok...
pe2 nanti me bg tau...
komawo ^^
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